Julie Stewart

Marketing Manager

Julie’s Role
Julie Stewart is responsible for the company’s marketing strategy and everything marketing related, from designing company literature and writing copy, to event management and organising corporate hospitality.


Before Amplifi
Julie has over 13 years’ marketing experience working within the B2B transport, telecommunications and media industries, where she has developed graphic design, advertising, PR, digital marketing and event management skills. She also has a BA Hons Degree in Marketing and a Digital Marketing Diploma.


Outside Amplifi
Other than spending time out and about with her children, Julie enjoys exploring with her dog. In the summer, she gardens and attempts to grow her own vegetables. While in the winter, Julie likes creative activities like sewing, drawing, upcycling and DIY.

© Copyright - Amplifi Solutions Ltd | Registered Address: 10 Mill Road, Ballyclare, BT39 9DY | Company Number: NI623767 (Registered in Northern Ireland)