Scaffold Digital

Scaffold’s Innovative Software Developments and R&D Tax Credits

The light bulb moment when a Software Studio realises a lot of what they do qualifies for R&D tax credits and how the initiative has helped transform their business vision.

About Scaffold

Scaffold (previously Tepee Design) is a Lisburn based software studio that specialises in innovative software development, UX & UI design support, cloud hosting and app design. Collaborating with innovative companies, Scaffold is involved in creating software that puts smart technology into offline products, a technological innovation that makes them applicable for the HMRC’s R&D tax credits.

“We had been aware of the scheme from chat in the industry, but anytime we looked at it we didn’t really understand how it could be applied in our scenario.”

Amplifi Discovery Meeting

After being recommended by their accountants, Tim sat down to discuss his innovative software with Amplifi Solutions’ Managing Partner Chris Maylin:

“In the first meeting, Chris laid out the R&D programme and exactly how it was relevant for our industry. It was almost a discovery meeting to figure out if there was anything we could even think of applying for. Off the back of that conversation the light bulb moment happened for me when we realised many of the projects we took on, at that time would qualify and since there was no risk in trying, it was an obvious decision for us to run with it.”

R&D Activity – Boiler and Car Insurance Solutions

Below are two examples of the innovative software Scaffold created for clients and that advanced the technological knowledge within their representative fields.

1. Boiler Manufacturer

A boiler manufacturer wanted real-time boiler performance data that they could analyse and use as part of their own R&D processes. Through a process of trial and error Scaffold produced:

  • Prototypes for a suitable hardware interface
  • A software application
  • Control scripts
  • Cloud storage platform for the appliances
  • Mobile app so homeowners and engineers could remotely control their boiler

2. Car Insurer

To provide discounts to safer drivers, a car insurance company wanted an innovative software solution that could provide reliable data on their customers’ driving habits. To meet their brief Scaffold created a software solution that turned a standard mobile phone into a black box recorder by:

  • Constantly monitoring a driver’s performance
  • Automatically recording video and car telemetry in the event of an incident or accident
  • Submitting data back to the insurer

Working With Amplifi Solutions

“Amplifi Solutions were great to work with and ultimately the process was straightforward. I dread to think how long it would have taken us to run in-house and produce all the spreadsheets and data Amplifi are able to present. I would not be undertaking it myself.”

“A few hours of my time to save thousands; definitely worthwhile.”

Impact on Business

“What R&D means to us is obviously that financial boost, which is fantastic, but it’s nearly a safety net that made us more eager to spend on R&D and try new things over the last year. The financial incentive means we are doing things that we probably otherwise wouldn’t be doing.”

“Our vision for 10 years down the line is to hopefully have a 50/50 split of products we have built internally versus outsourced services we provide. The R&D funding along the way certainly makes that vision much more likely to happen.”

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